You have an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) due, how do select the right contractor?
Under the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 (EAWR) duty-holders need to ensure that systems are maintained to prevent danger and regular inspection is an essential part of any maintenance programme. As such, the EAWR requires that those carrying out inspections have sufficient “knowledge or experience, or are under such degree of supervision as may be appropriate having regard to the nature of the work” (regulation 16).
It is not enough just to instruct an electrical contractor, duty holders need to ensure their contractors have competence in inspection and testing. A competent electrical contractor can not only assist to ensure compliance with the EAWR, but use their extensive experience to minimise disruption to your organisation
A quick indicator to ensure you have engaged with a competent electrical contractor is if they have carried out a thorough survey to understand the operation of your site and identify any potential limitations and how to overcome these before testing commences
You should also ensure they are an approved member of a trade association.
There are several trade associations supporting the electrical industry. The trade association audits the contractor periodically to ensure they are competent to undertake the work they are accredited for. Black Pear Electrical are approved contractors for National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contractors (NICEIC).
Need to discuss your testing requirements further? Contact us by phone or email