How often should you test?

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The Electricity at Work Regulations of 1989 states that it is your legal responsibility to keep your buildings safe, it further lays out the requirements for different types of buildings, according to their use. As the duty holder it is your responsibility to make sure that you have fulfilled this requirement. An EICR, Electrical Installation Conditions Report, provides evidence that you are upholding your duty. It is important to make sure that your EICR is carried out by competent, professional person, at the correct frequency as advised.


It is recommended that periodic testing and inspection is carried out at the following times:

  1. For commercial properties, you must test every 5 years, or on change of occupancy. This will ensure that new occupants coming in are entering a safe environment and will pick up on any misuse caused by previous incumbents.
  2. Educational establishments need to be tested every 5 years, though it is recommended that they are routinely checked every 6 months.
  3. Industrial premises should be tested every 3 years, this will help to keep people safe in what can potentially be a hazardous environment.
  4. At least every 10 years for an owner-occupied home. This will ensure that houses are safe.


These are the basic periods of testing, but there are many other specific buildings or businesses that need to be tested more frequently, and it is your duty to ensure that you understand how often your premises need to be tested. For example, a swimming pool and a petrol station need to be tested every year, as do laundrettes and caravan parks, as you can see in the table below.

Type of installation Routine check Max period between testing
Agricultural 1 year 3 years
Caravans 1 year 3 years
Caravan Parks 6 months 1 year
Highway power supplies As convenient 6 – 8 years
Marinas 4 months 1 year
Fish farms 4 months 1 year
Swimming pools 4 months 1 year
Emergency lighting Daily/monthly 3 years
Firm alarms Daily/weekly 1 year
Laundrettes Monthly 1 year
Petrol stations 1 year 1 year
Construction site Installations 3 months 3 months


If you are unsure of the frequency that you need to carry out an EICR on your business, please contact Black Pear Electrical for professional advice. We have worked across a variety of different industries and understand the complexities that each business faces. We bring this understanding to each job that we undertake, so we appreciate that the smooth running of your business is your number one priority. To book your EICR today, call Black Pear Electrical on 01905 700490

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