Emergency Lighting Testing
What happens if there is a power cut in your building? Do you have emergency lighting? Do you regularly test your emergency lighting? If not, we can help. At Black […]
What happens if there is a power cut in your building? Do you have emergency lighting? Do you regularly test your emergency lighting? If not, we can help. At Black […]
So, you employ less than 5 people? You may think that this means that you don’t need an EICR (Electrical Installation Condition Report). You would be wrong. The Health and […]
Watch our video, by clicking on the image below, to learn more about your responsibilities or read the summary below the video. If you have any further questions, please do […]
It is not enough to simply ensure that your buildings are safe and well-maintained, including the electrical installations. You have to provide ongoing evidence that you are doing so. In […]